
How can I order Fidra Books titles?

You can order our books directly from our online shop or by contacting one of our stockists. Some of our stockists will also take advance orders for titles that we have announced but not yet printed. If you have any problems with placing an order, do contact us.

I live abroad – how can I order your books?

International orders can be placed through our online shop. In addition, some of our booksellers are in other countries, and many of our UK stockists will also be able to send you a copy. If you have any problems, please contact us.

A title you’ve already printed is no longer available – why is this?

We print our books in limited print runs. If a title goes out of print, we may reprint it at a later date if demand is sufficient. However, even though we may no longer have stock of a particular title, bookdealers might, so it is worth contacting them to enquire.

There is a particular title by one of your authors that I am looking for – how can I find out when it will be printed?

As soon as dates are finalised for forthcoming books, they will be added to the website and sent out to people on our mailing list. In the meantime, you are welcome to contact us and we may be able to give you more of an indication.

Do you have a mailing list that I can be added to – I’d like to be kept informed of the books you are publishing?

Yes, we do have a mailing list and we will be sending out a newsletter every three months or so to keep our readers abreast of our activities. This will include articles about our authors and even some of their short stories – it is well worth ensuring that you’re on our list! Sign up online, or alternatively, email us directly with your details. Obviously, we promise that we will never pass your details on to anyone else.